Sunville B&B






Name of the Project

Sunville B&B

Summary of the project

Anna, the owner of Sunville House is extremely knowledgeable and a brilliant promotor of local attractions to the guest on arrival. For this project, the focus for Sunville House is to improve and expand the promotion of more local activities and attractions online. 


Sunville House increased its online promotion of Things to Do in the area on its website and how to explore the region on foot or on bike.  Under the Things to do page, more attractions and activities are now promoted:

Activities include:

  • Enjoy Woodland & Coastal Walk Trails
  • Seachurch’s events which is a venue that hosts live music & comedy events.
  • Heritage trail
  • Keep Moving in Nature woodland and coastal trail guide
  • Ring of Cork, a website that promotes local attractions.
  • Cork Bike Hire

It was also important to promote the historic story of William Penn and its unique connection to Sunville House and the region

Soft & Social

Anna is an active member of The East Cork EuroCluster WhatsApp group. This was created for the SME’s for ease of guest referrals and for passing on important business related information as well as neighbourhood alerts.  Anna is a regular attender at ROC networking meetings as well as EuroCluster meetings.

Green & Sustainable

Anna herself is a keen cyclist and also enjoys daily sea swimming all year round in nearby Garryvoe beach. She has linked up with the local bike hire company to offer guests bike hire service.  This is now promoted on the website.



Contact email




Target Group(s)

Adventure Seekers, Eco-Tourists, Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Welness and Retreat Seekers, Agritourists, Photographers and Nature Enthusiasts, Local Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)
Integration with the local community

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

SECAD Partnership