Unlimited Adrenaline




English, Greek

Name of the Project

Unlimited Adrenaline

Summary of the project

Not one single new product will be created. Instead there will be improvements in various areas of Green and Social. More specifically: 1) Awareness will be raised to the people of the SME and any interested close partners of theirs on Climate Change. The science behind it and the impact it will have on our lives and more specifically on tourism. 2) a code of conduct will be created and communicated to their customers when they are in nature. 3) training will be provided to the SME on cross cultural communication and 4) the activities they are selling that are suitable for people with reduced mobility will be identified and clearly communicated as such.

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Target Group(s)

Eco-Tourists, Adventure Seekers, Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Welness and Retreat Seekers, Photographers and Nature Enthusiasts, Educational Groups and Schools

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

CO2 management and reduction to address climate change

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)
Social-cultural skills (interaction with visitors from different cultural backgrounds)

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Fevgas Venouka