Pan & Yoda snc




English, Italian

Summary of the project


Thanks to this growth, the company currently has the desire to completely renovate the
website, in order to make it more representative of the new and varied activity. Another aspect
to underline concerns the fact that most of the ingredients on Febo's menu are completely
self-produced (but at this moment it is not communicated).
The new tourist and experiential products that will be studied will also have to be included on
the site and promoted.
The actions that are intended to be carried out within this project therefore concern the
complete revision of the texts and the structure of the site, to achieve the desired objective.


This topic has represented the backbone of all the choices made by the company since its foundation. However, actions have been identified that can implement this field:

Sustainable mobility:
- study of actions aimed at encouraging the use of bicycles to explore the surroundings;
- study and creation of some walking itineraries, which have the starting and arrival
point in Febo.
- request for the estimates necessary to evaluate the installation of charging stations for
electric bicycles.

Interventions aimed at reducing waste and minimizing food waste, for example:
- organization of food and wine events, aimed at promoting local productions and
sharing suggestions for reusing leftovers.


This is the field in which the most numerous actions are intended to be undertaken.
In this phase of the project, we dedicated ourselves to designing activities aimed at:
- adapt the experiences to the cultural preferences and religious needs of the guests,
offering them the possibility of using a dedicated tourist consultant;
- Experience generation for visitors: preparation of daily excursions and experiences for
guests, each designed to enhance a different aspect of the territory; planning and
organizing group tours;
- attract new types of visitors, preparing tourist packages aimed at digital nomads and
smart workers;
- Inclusive tourism for visitors with special needs: creation of projects, itineraries and
tours dedicated to people with different types of disabilities; but also to elderly people
and people with respiratory diseases;
- study of architectural barriers and possible solutions. The person in charge of this type
of consultancy is Eng. Mabel Callegaro;
- Integration with the local community: Organization of a traveling festival in the valley
that hosts the structure, which will be held in July 2024; creation of various product
lines in collaboration with local producers.

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Target Group(s)

Eco-Tourists, Welness and Retreat Seekers, Families, Local Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Sustainable management practices for SMEs
CO2 management and reduction to address climate change
Sustainable mobility
Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Inclusive tourism for visitors with special needs
Integration with the local community
Social-cultural skills (interaction with visitors from different cultural backgrounds)
Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Selene Millo