



English, Greek

Name of the Project

EuroCluster Rural Tourism (SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER 101074557)

Summary of the project

With an eye toward the digital space, we intend to modernize and enhance our company website by making it simpler to use and adding fresh, eye-catching material and details on local events. In addition, we plan to use sponsored adverts in order to boost the website's organic traffic by utilizing both on-page and off-page SEO strategies. The term "on-page SEO" describes how we will optimize our own website, taking into account factors like its layout, written content, metadata, alt text, sitemap, canonical tags, and more. Regarding off-page SEO, we will need to think about our strategy and actions taken outside of our own website.  These could include social media posts, external links, and other techniques for promoting websites. In addition, we have a mechanism in place for assessing client happiness, which we will use to gather information for analysis. We will be able to learn more about the preferences and behavior of the guests by using this analysis. As a result, we will be better equipped to provide individualized services and improve the entire visitor experience. Last but not least, we'll make a two-minute advertisement in which we hope to highlight some of the products and services we provide as well as some important aspects of our company. The film will serve both educational and promotional functions. By using this innovative approach, we facilitate marketing communication and provide a realistic image of the offer, in addition to other crucial components like our core values on the property, guest products, environment, and atmosphere, among others.

Our thinking in the GREEN/SUSTAINABILITY space is toward working in tandem with regional businesses, suppliers, and farmers. By taking this action, we hope to create new opportunities for collaboration that will advance regional food, boost the local economy, lower emissions associated with transportation, and provide visitors a genuine experience. Our goals are to utilize and support as many locally made goods as we can, such as cheese, honey, wine, jam, and other items. Furthermore, points of Municipality Mouzaki natural beauty will be promoted in collaboration with the local government.

In the area of SOCIAL media, we will finalize a plan of collaboration with other service providers in order to draw in new target audiences who have an interest in mountain, cultural, and novel travel experiences. Our goal is to create a standard travel package for new target markets, such as vegetarians, mountaineers, and cultural enthusiasts. In particular, we can offer visitors distinctive and immersive cultural experiences, promoting the location and fostering memorable stays, by working with local artists, performers, and cultural institutions.

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Target Group(s)

Adventure Seekers, Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Agritourists, Families, Photographers and Nature Enthusiasts, Educational Groups and Schools, Local Tourists, Wedding tourism & Social Events

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

CO2 management and reduction to address climate change
Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Integration with the local community
Interpretation techniques for cultural, historical, natural resources

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Development Agency of Karditsa (AN.KA. S.A.)