


English, Greek

Name of the Project

EuroCluster Rural Tourism (SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER 101074557)

Summary of the project

The company are building a critical mass of agritourism services to increase our competitiveness and capacity to handle new demands. We execute a strategy that associate the introduction of new items and improving current services by the three categories.

Specifically speaking, we want to strengthen the company's website services in the realm of digital media by making it more functional and incorporating fresh, visually appealing content as well as updates about nearby events. This strategy aims to increase the website's organic traffic with paid advertisements in addition to on-page and off-page SEO techniques. The tactics you use on your webpages themselves, encompassing not only the textual content and design but also the metadata, alt text, sitemap, canonical tags, and more, are referred to as on-page SEO. The actions you conduct outside of your pages are referred to as off-page SEO. This includes components like external links, social posts and other website promotion strategies.

We would like to implement a system for rating client happiness and make use of data analytics to provide more customized services. This will help us understand the interests and behavior of our guests better and allows us to offer recommendations and other specialized services that will enhance their entire stay. Finally, we're going to unveil a fresh-new marketing tool: a two-minute ad that will highlight our brand and primary products. The movie will have promotional and instructional purposes. We present a genuine image of the offer and enable marketing communication by employing this creative technique, together with other essential elements like our property's core values, guest products, surroundings, and atmosphere, among others.

Regarding GREEN/SUSTAINABILITY, we will suggest launching a vegan-friendly meal delivery business that is geared on satisfying the dietary requirements of its clientele while emphasizing eco-friendly methods. This service would focus eco-conscious packaging and sourcing practices in addition to meeting the dietary demands of vegans. To reduce the carbon footprint, the meals would be prepared with plant-based ingredients and prioritize the use of organic, locally produced produce. Furthermore, in keeping with the green approach, recyclable or biodegradable materials would be used to make the packaging. A thorough recycling program would be put in place by the service, encouraging hotel guests to return packaging for reuse or appropriate disposal. In order to improve client interaction, educational materials about recycling, vegan diet, and sustainable living.

Lastly, we suggest starting a social project in the area of SOCIAL that will give hotel guests access to local mountain guides for guided walking tours of the mountains. The objective of this service enhancement is to provide visitors with an exceptional and engaging experience while also helping the neighborhood. Skilled and qualified mountain guides with extensive knowledge of the area's natural and cultural landmarks would lead the walking tours. This program supports the livelihoods of local guides in addition to encouraging physical activity and an appreciation of the natural world. By encouraging a healthy interaction between the hotel, its visitors, and the neighborhood, this strategy supports ethical and sustainable tourism practices.

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Target Group(s)

Adventure Seekers, Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Welness and Retreat Seekers, Agritourists, Families, Digital Nomad and Remote Workers, Photographers and Nature Enthusiasts, Educational Groups and Schools, Local Tourists, Pet friendly / Social Gender Friendly

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Sustainable management practices for SMEs
CO2 management and reduction to address climate change

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)
Integration with the local community

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Development Agency of Karditsa (AN.KA. S.A.)