STAR Self-assessment tool for local public authorities in tourism destinations in rural areas

Summary of the content and its utility

STAR, Self-assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations is an online self-assessment tool aimed at authorities and decision-makers at the local level in rural areas.

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The STAR tool helps rural destinations evaluate their resources, policies, and development against UN Tourism guidelines and global standards, identifying strengths and weaknesses to enhance tourism policies and rural development strategies. STAR is exclusively available to public authorities or their delegates in rural destinations within the UNWTO Member States. Created by the UN Tourism for Rural Development Programme, STAR aims to increase awareness, skills, and opportunities in rural areas, promoting tourism as a catalyst for rural development and well-being while preserving landscapes, cultural diversity, and local activities through sustainable and innovative approaches in line with the SDGs. Learn more: Note: The self-assessment tool provides guidance and recommendations without implying UN Tourism's endorsement.





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Green, Social, Other topic


Self Assessment