STAR Trends in adult education for sustainable tourism

Summary of the content and its utility

A report suggesting future trends for the sector in the area of sustainable tourism.

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This report contains future trends and policy suggestions in adult education for sustainable tourism, SMEs in the sector and skill sets needed. It aims to encourage policymakers to assist tourism organisations, start-ups, adult training providers and entrepreneurs in the tourism sector and introduce them to the results of the project giving them ideas on how to encourage and support them. The designed report is a practical handbook which contains information and training issues collected throughout the project's duration with input from the stakeholders that were involved in the activities and project events. It can be used by adult trainers, VET trainers and tourism entrepreneurs, and other VET/tourism stakeholders. Download the Trends in Adult Education for Sustainable Tourism Report and use it in your activities:




Greece, Romania, Spain

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SMEs, Other target, Associations, Advisors


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Written Document