Best practice: Agriturismo Italia

Summary of the content and its utility

Since 2013, Italy has created the sector brand “agritourismo Italia”, along with a classification system. The brand has the goal to give the public a comprehensive idea on the level of comfort, services, and quality of environment, that each farm can offer. To realize this system, the Ministry of Agriculture has promoted research on the national and international level to create an evaluation scale, which will grant a uniformity of the quality level of the farms can offer. This system aims to represent harmoniously the spirit and the "personality" of the Italian farm in its various forms, enhancing the agricultural characterization of the welcoming context, which is one of the "expectations" more significant than those who choose the farm for their holidays, also considering aspects related to the landscape-environmental context in which the agritourism activities take place.

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The brand Agriturismo Italia, present in the license plate, is the tool to be used in combination with the corporate image coordinated by the farm. It can, therefore, be inserted in all the declinations of corporate communication IAC (letterheads, business cards, brochures, brochures, brochures, folders, envelopes, shoppers, banners, corporate website, press campaigns, television campaigns, internet campaigns, campaigns on social networks and through advertising banners, etc.).


English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish



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