Best practice: Pathway toward the Transformation of Sustainable Rural Tourism Management in Central Java, Indonesia

Summary of the content and its utility

This paper presents transformation pathways toward sustainable rural tourism management in developing countries, examining the case from Central Java, Indonesia. The results show that an integrated development policy that considers the interests of all stakeholders, the potential of rural resources, the infrastructure, and human resources capacity would be the optimal policy. Priority programs to be implemented are infrastructure development, strengthening private investment, strengthening governance, developing amenities, and developing information and communication technology. This study is an essential resource for authorities in determining rural tourism development policies in the research location and can be applied in other areas with similar characteristics.

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The study acknowledges that transformation toward sustainable rural tourism cannot be achieved without stakeholder engagement. The results of the analysis show that an integrated development policy that facilitates cross-regional cooperation and that has the support or participation of all stakeholders is the best policy option for sustainable transformation. An integrated policy calls for comprehensive planning for rural tourism development. The results of this study may become a model for institutional-based rural tourism development in other regions, which often encounters problems related to coordination due to the many parties involved.




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