Best practice: Via Transilvanica

Summary of the content and its utility

Via Transilvanica, the "road that unites", is a 1,400-kilometer-long distance trail, a tourist route that crosses Romania diagonally from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin. It's designed for hiking, cycling and horse riding. Via Transilvanica is marked with painted markers, signposts and at every kilometer, there is an individually carved andesite stone, therefore all these milestones can probably become the longest art gallery in the world, which accompanies travelers along the way. It is a social project, with the focus on the community. The project aims to bring to light places in the country, seemingly forgotten by the world and largely depopulated due to economic limitations and bring them to life.

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Via Transilvanica is a long-distance trail, a concept known and encountered all over the world, whose goal is to have a world-class long-distance trail that connects diverse regions and communities, allowing tourists to discover Transylvania and Romania, while experiencing unique experiences in an authentic, varied natural and cultural setting. On the more than 1400 km hikers will find the symbol of the route in the form of natural stone (andesite) bollards installed from km to km, along with signposts at intersections and very frequent paint markings. These andesite bollards are works of art individually sculpted in the Tășuleasa Social campus sculpture camps by Romanian or foreign sculptors. The kilometer stones are the identity element that make Via Transilvanica one of the largest outdoor sculpture exhibitions in the world that we invite you to discover on the move. The regions touched are: Bucovina, Highlands, Terra Siculorum, Terra Saxonum, Terra Dacica, Terra Banatica, and Terra Romana.


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