Best practice: Ecomuseo Lis Aganis

Summary of the content and its utility

The Ecomuseum Lis Aganis works together with its members to recover, witness, and enhance the historical memory, life, figures, and facts, material and intangible culture , the relationship between natural environment and man-made environment. Through its projects, Ecomuseum aims to strengthen the sense of belonging of the communities to the territory also through the revival in a dynamic-evolutionary key of historical and cultural roots, enhancement processes, research, active enjoyment and promotion of heritage, the construction and revitalisation of networks of activities and services.

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Some of the activities proposed by the Ecomuseo include: • Thematic projects to valorize the local territory and communities. • Laboratories and activities for schools. • Providing materials for didactive reasons. • Study visits. • Events and theme days dedicated to archeology, castles, food, and in general things related to the local heritage.





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