Country House “Dzirnupes”




Latvian, Russian

Name of the Project

NatureQuest: Farmhouse Adventure Tour

Summary of the project

"NatureQuest: Farmhouse Adventure Tour" offers an engaging and educational experience for farmhouse guests, blending entertainment with learning about nature, culture, tradition, and history. Designed as a themed "game," the tour aims to educate participants, particularly youth, on environmental, cultural, and historical topics in an interactive manner. Activities include nature exploration, teamwork, and understanding local ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural cycles. Guests will gain insights into the farmyard's flora and fauna, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment and heritage.

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Target Group(s)

Eco-Tourists, Adventure Seekers, Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Educational Groups and Schools

Digital Support Area(s)

Digitalization of processes in SMEs
Digital marketing and promotion

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)
Interpretation techniques for cultural, historical, natural resources

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Latvian Country Tourism Association