Vineyard Cottage Krivic – Jože Krivic





English, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian, Slovene

Name of the Project

EuroCluster Rural Tourism

Summary of the project

Given that digital channels and social networks as marketing tools are increasingly focused on video content, driven by the desire for the most effective presentation and increased visibility within the project, thematic video material will be designed for the purposes of informing and promoting the public. This will include the presentation of content, specific to their offer, namely in a creative way that enables market communication, that conveys a realistic picture of the offer, as well as other very important elements, such as our key values, such as the environment, atmosphere, emotions..." The thematic video material will be created for the purposes of informing and promoting the public. This will include the presentation of content specific to our farm in a creative way that enables marketing communication that conveys a realistic picture of the offer as well as other very important elements, such as our key values such as the environment, atmosphere, emotions..." The green measure will be the preparation of a plan for electric charging station for our guests' e-vehicles. As part of this, we will first determine the location and obtain an offer for the installation of an electric charging station. We will trace and mark an educational walking path for all our guests, where individual tree species will be interpreted. We will do this with the help of forestry experts and present our local natural heritage in this way. We want to bring it closer to all our guests, especially young people, so that it will also be suitable for families with children. They will also be able to walk and recreate in the forest. Since we have an apiary on our property, we will present a special program for our guests, which will include educational elements of traditional beekeeping and the production of honey and bee products. It will be a multi-sensory experience involving all five senses: sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch. We will prepare individual points of the itinerary for visiting the apiary and important points around it, which are part of the bee pasture. Part of the program will also include trying bee products of all kinds, as well as the possibility of buying them at our homestead.

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Target Group(s)

Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Agritourists, Families, Local Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digitalization of processes in SMEs
Digital marketing and promotion

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Sustainable management practices for SMEs
Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Social-cultural skills (interaction with visitors from different cultural backgrounds)
Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)
Integration with the local community

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Informal consortium Jurakić, Pavlin, Koščak