Culture Lucane di Enzo Montemurro





English, Spanish

Name of the Project


Summary of the project

The lack of digitalization of the SME which, although organized quite well on social channels with online visibility, does not have a structured web domain (an ad hoc one will be created with the name of which will follow the one with the name and they do not offer many digital solutions to evaluate the structure, collect data on customer impressions and their advice for improving the efficiency of structure. An in-depth study with the owners would be useful to implement a given collection system on the needs encountered in the facility by guests, starting from make the structure sustainable and green. In this way, efforts made for development digital marketing ideas and programs could also be evaluated and analyzed. As for sustainability, although many practices are present, they should be improved to align B&B operations with environmentally friendly practices, contribute to the goals of the SDGs. Staff should be trained on waste management, energy saving and responsible sourcing. Another point that may be the ergonomics of the structure, its accessibility and its functionality have been developed. The digitalisation of some services, such as check-in and check-out or automation gathering information on what to do, where to go, what to eat. Greater the digitalisation of the activity would certainly be a good goal for all structures collaborators and guests interested in carrying out activities in full autonomy and tranquillity.

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Target Group(s)

Eco-Tourists, Families, Cultural and Heritage Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Sustainable management practices for SMEs

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Roberto Carella - MT-EUROPE