SK FIA - B s.r.o.





Slovak, English, French, Russian

Name of the Project

Vzdelávacia cesta pekným lesom

Summary of the project

Introducing the innovative educational initiative, "Vzdelávacia cesta pekným lesom" (Educational Journey Through Beautiful Forest), this program is carefully crafted to immerse participants in the marvels of nature. This unique educational path encompasses elements of beekeeping and herbal workshops, providing a holistic learning experience. Participants have the opportunity to engage with the ecosystem, learn about sustainable beekeeping practices, and delve into the art of cultivating and utilizing herbs. More than a conventional educational program, this initiative offers guests a rich and immersive experience that seamlessly blends learning, recreation, and environmental practices. Through "Vzdelávacia cesta pekným lesom," participants can foster a deeper connection with the natural world, promoting awareness and appreciation for the wonders of the environment.

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Target Group(s)

Eco-Tourists, Educational Groups and Schools

Digital Support Area(s)

Digitalization of processes in SMEs
Digital marketing and promotion

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Integration with the local community

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Slovak Association of Rural Tourism and Agritourism